On Monday this week, Barn Owls completed their Science unit: Magnetism. Therefore their end unit assessment task was to create a detailed fact file all about Magnets and the facts they had learnt this term. The Barn Owls children then shared and discussed their work with the Tawny Owls children; the classroom was filled with learning focussed chatter and discussion. The Tawny Owls were so inspired by the older children, they then began to share their Science work and learning.
It was a wonderful opportunity for all the children to practice and develop their oracy skills as well as actively listen to one another. An excellent way to conclude our Science learning this term, well done Barn Owls and thank you Tawny Owls. We hope to share more learning with you next year!
This term in Construction Club, the children have thoroughly enjoyed letting their imaginations run wild in order to build and create different creations using the construction materials. As you can see Lego has been a firm favourite. The children really enjoyed sharing their ideas, verbally discussing what they had chosen to create as well as explaining to peers and supporting adults all about the different constructed elements. Well done to all who attended.
This afternoon Barn Owls and Snowy Owls enjoyed a shared PE session. The children worked in House Teams and participated in a variety of Action Stations. First the teams enjoyed a game of football then moved on to a netball game before working within their teams to build and navigate through an obstacle course station before finally moving on to the skipping and hula hoop station. Mrs Court and Mrs Drew-Hill were amazed by the children's team work skills, kindness, consideration as well as their endless perseverance to develop or perfect a new physical skill. Well done to all in Key Stage 2!
This week we had a whole school assembly led by Rev. Brooks about advent. We explored things that we have to wait for and how we prepare for big events in our lives.
As part of our new unit of Maths: Fractions. We explored different practical resources, played fractions games and discussed in teams how to work out equivalent fractions. This has really helped to develop our mathematical understanding, extend our vocabulary as well as build on prior learning.
Barn Owls created their own compasses this week in Science. They explored magnetising a needle in order for it to become a floating compass - in water! All children worked collaboratively and demonstrated excellent scientific investigative skills.
On Thursday 7th November, our Yr5/6 Cross Country Team participated in the OCRA Cross Country Event. They all ran superbly well, supported one another's efforts and represented the school amazingly.
Barn Owls are studying magnetism this term as part of their Science learning. This week they explored bar magnets, north and south poles and if magnets repel or attract each other or different items. Barn Owls then had to write up their scientific findings using key vocabulary.
This week in Maths, Barn Owls have continued to build on their mathematical understanding surrounding cubed and squared numbers. They explored making different cubed numbers through the use of multi-link cubes; they had to work in pairs and small groups to calculate the answers to Mrs Court's tricky number sentences and then explaining their reasoning. Excellent work Barn Owls!
Barn Owls have started a new Design & Technology Project in Forest School this term, they are exploring design and making new projects. This week the children experimented with different knots suitable for a rope swing and then enjoyed roasting marshmallows around the campfire.
Rev. Brooks visited the children to talk about saints. The children shared people who are important to them. We learnt that Bridestowe got its name from Saint Bridget who is the saint of the church across the road from our school.
We were delighted to see the church full of family and community members on Friday for our annual Harvest Festival. The children sang and delivered their lines clearly and confidently. Thank you to everyone who donated items for the food bank.
The children in Barn Owls enjoyed a huge array of different African foods to taste and try today. This was part of their Music and History learning all about the Benin Kingdom in Africa. They were particularly excited and surprised by the yams as well as the different textures and tastes they experienced. Thank you to Meradith Hart for bringing this culinary experience to life!
As part of our English Unit, Barn Owls have been writing reports to support people lead a healthy lifestyle, focussing on their physical and mental health.
Barn Owls have been busy preparing for our Harvest Festival making maps and flags - all will be revealed next Friday!
This week in Barn Owls' Computing lessons, they have been learning about nested loops and coding. The children have worked hard to understand this tricky and digital process.
We began our academic year by working collaboratively across the school to create this piece of artwork. We recognise that everyone on our planet is equal and we celebrate and respect one another’s differences. Every child has created a person that reflects them and is included on our display.
This Wednesday afternoon, Barn Owls children shared their reading and story books with the residents of Springfields. The children showed excellent speaking and communication skills and all the residents enjoyed their visit; many smiles could be seen around the room.
We were very lucky to have Angela the Food For Thought Gardens teacher visit Bridestowe to work with the school gardeners. Angela supported the children with planting broad beans and to discuss the next steps for our wonderful garden at Bridestowe. Well done to the children who were selected for the role of Sports Council after submitting an application for the job. These children will be an important part of our physical activities across the school.
Children applied for the job of school gardener. We are proud to share that these children along with Archie S, Skye, Louie and Millie C (not pictured) have been given the role. We are excited to see what this group can achieve in our green spaces around our school grounds.
This week children took part in an election process to select our new School Council members. Mrs Harris is very much looking forward to working with the School Council on whole school projects this year. Well done to everyone who put themselves forward for the role and congratulations to the children who were selected by their peers.
Today in Barn Owls, we voted for our School Council, Sports Council and Class Gardener Representatives. Different individuals wrote their own speeches, discussed their campaign and then created posters which they placed around the school environment. Each candidate presently their speeches eloquently, audience members listened actively and then an anonymous vote, using our school ballot box, took place. The class' choice will be announced later this week - watch this space!
In Mindfulness Club this week we practised the skill of mindful eating. We made sure we had no distractions, we looked and smelt what we were eating before taking a small bite and tasting the food. Sometimes we eat without thinking but by slowing down and taking notice of what we are eating we can really taste and enjoy our meals.
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