This half term the Tawny Owls are learning about why the Easter story is important to Christians. This week they role played The Last Supper. The children were the disciples, eating bread and wine (squash) which was a symbol of Jesus' body and blood. Jesus (Mrs Lammas) then washed all their feet to show how important it is to lead by example. The children loved the lesson and were asking, 'can we do RE like this every week?'
In PE with Mr Pugh, Barn Owls initially worked on controlling and watching the ball, also working with others to play small games.
They moved on to using racquets after this, showing increasing skill in aiming their shots. This half term Snowy Owls are learning to play tennis. In their first session they played 'floor tennis' and learnt how to get into the ready position.
Today, the Tawny Owls started their unit on ball and racket skills. Mr Pugh encouraged the children to use the agility skills they learnt last half term to warm up. They then moved to using the rackets, balancing a tennis ball on it to move from cone to cone.
Kerry Morgan came from Torbay Fire Service to talk to Barn Owls this week. It was a very informative and useful talk and your children should have brought home a guide to home safety.
It was lovely to see the children's personalities shine through in their outfit choice to show support for Mental Health Week.
The year 2 children had a very informative talk today on what fire fighters do, how they help us, how to stay safe at home and why smoke alarms are so important. They also learnt how we can help the firefighters by keeping ourselves and others safe. The children asked many interesting questions and enjoyed the session. Thank you to Kerry from the Torquay Fire Station for coming and delivering such a great talk!
In maths, year 3 worked hard to calculate the perimeter of rectilinear shapes. They firstly used string to understand the concept of perimeter before carefully measuring each side and finding the total length around the outside of the shape.
The children had to give the Beebots an algorithm (set of instructions) to move from one picture to another. They have really enjoyed this unit of work and learnt so much.
For an end of unit science project, the Tawny Owls had to work in pairs or small groups to research fun facts about the solar system using the Chromebooks. They then produced posters which they presented to the rest of the class. It was fantastic to see them working so hard together and being confident in front of the other children.
Barn Owls rounded off the half-term's work on magnets by planning and carrying out an investigation to find out which (of quite a wide selection) was the strongest. The planning involved devising a fair test and working out what measurements were needed.
Generally, the stronger magnets seemed to be larger. The rudimentary electromagnet we made was too weak to exert much force. It was great to see so many family members come and see the home learning that has taken place over the half term. The children love sharing their work with others.
Our final netball lesson with Mr Pugh saw some competitive 5-a-side matches. Mr Pugh complimented the children on their spacing, ability to get free and the accuracy of their passing.
Following our whole school assembly on ways to stay safe online, Barn Owls discussed aspects on being online that concerned them or that they thought were risks. We then ranked them by how problematic they could be, and talked about ways to mitigate any risks, and deal with any issues that arose.
We realised that downloading a virus by clicking on something untrustworthy would be a very complicated problem to deal with, and so we should only ever click on trusted links. The Tawny Owls enjoyed being in the sunshine and completing a weaving activity this week during forest school.
It was Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 7th February and thousands celebrate it by sharing what they enjoy doing online but also sharing how to be safe. As a whole school we had an assembly and then went off in classes to complete different activities. Owlets learnt a song, Tawny Owl's listened to a story and made decisions about what was safe and not safe, Snowy Owl's learnt how to be S.M.A.R.T and Barn Owl's learnt how to stay safe in many different ways.
It was great to welcome families into school to share home learning. Children enjoyed talking about their projects and sharing their knowledge with our visitors. Well done everyone for working so hard at home and producing such an interesting variety of outcomes.
Each pupil in Barn Owls has been given a slot in the timetable in which to present a book review to the rest of the class. Generally, pupils have chosen books they've been enjoying reading, or they may have challenged themselves by reading a previously unseen book and delving into it.
These reviews have been comprehensive and informative, passing on great recommendations for future reading. Barn Owls have been extending their Netball play by learning more about the positions, and the roles of each player in the game.
In Science, Barn Owls have been learning about magnets, how compasses work, and which materials are magnetic.
On Wednesday, Snowy Owls and Barn Owls went on a trip to Paignton. We were treated to impressive displays by many species, and the chance to learn many and varied facts.
On Wednesday 1st February, children from the Barn Owls and Snowy Owls visited Paignton Zoo. The admission was free to celebrate the zoo’s 100th year. The children focused on ecosystems which enhanced their learning in class.
The KS1 children from Lydford Primary joined the Tawny Owls today for a science morning. It started in school by looking at how humans have learnt about space. We spoke about many things such as sending animals into space and the moon landing in 1969, before designing and making our very own rockets!
We then walked up to the hall and had a planetarium experience. The children learnt many facts such as how to find the North Pole star, the phases of the moon and that 100 Earths could fit across the diameter of the sun. |
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