Children from the whole school were joined by parents, carers and members of the community to celebrate harvest. The children shared poetry and songs. We were joined by Rev. Brooks who talked about the fruit and vegetable donations and how we are thankful to farmers and all those involved in producing it. Food donations have been gratefully received by the Community Kitchen.
In science, the Snowy Owls have been investigating states of matter. To help understand how the particles are arranged, the children acted out particles in solids, liquids and gases. The particles in a solid are very close together and in a regular pattern. In a liquid the particles are close together in a random arrangement and slide past each other. In a gas the particles are far apart and move constantly in all directions – can you guess which state of matter the class are representing in each photograph?
We were incredibly proud of the Snowy Owls who represented the school superbly during our trip to Stonehenge. Members of the public, cleaners at the service station and the bus driver were among those to praise the children for their behaviour and the way they conducted themselves.
The trip enhanced our learning on prehistoric Britain and allowed us to answer some of the key questions about Stonehenge – why is it there and how did it get there? The children observed closely and produced some very careful sketches of the stones. We enjoyed a picnic with the backdrop of the stones and increased our knowledge by reading the facts in the visitor centre. The children even had the chance to try and pull a bluestone along on a wooden sledge – it was very heavy and didn’t move!! |
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