The School Council have worked together to create a problem solving choice wheel to help all the children at playtimes. Sometimes children can have a small problem and the School Council have come up with 8 solutions to try to solve the problem with each other before going to a grown up.
On Wednesday the School Council lead an assembly explaining what the wheel means and the 8 different solutions - they are now displayed around the playground.
Despite the weather not being quite what you'd expect for cricket, the Snowy Owls braved the rain and enjoyed a shorter session outside. The class developed their skills of batting, fielding and bowling. In the shelter of the classroom, the children learnt more about the rules of the game and watched a film of some professional England Cricketers playing.
The children had great fun in Science this afternoon, exploring how solid shapes can be changed. The children became scientists, asking questions, making predictions and then gathering data through conducting an investigation.
Just before Easter, Barn Owls worked with Mrs McKee to devise and create solar toys. This followed on from our work on sustainability in Science and Geography.
Using a solar panel and motor, Barn Owls used waste materials that would otherwise have been recycled, such as milk bottles, cardboard boxes and packaging items. They were able to create a toy or model that had a moving part, powered by the sun. Barn Owls worked on ball control this week in PE. Lots of care and accuracy was shown in catching and throwing, leading to a fast-paced game.
Bridestowe Y3-6 joined with friends from Lydford Primary to take part in the Cross Country event at Chagford Cricket Club in the second (previously postponed) inter-schools event run by OCRA.
This was a tough course, going up on to the moor above the village, and was extremely competitive. All of our runners completed the course very impressively, Rosa even coming in running strongly having fallen partway around. Thanks to OCRA for organising the event, and to Mrs Neild and Mrs Floyd-Walker for helping and accompanying us. Also, thankyou to the parents who attended for their support, with a special mention for Mr Lane who brought up the rear in both races, wearing his chainsawing trousers. The Tawny Owls enjoyed their first music session with Mrs Jollife. They started to explore British songs and compose music about the seaside.
In forest school the children used wooden mallets to hit leaves and plants against a cloth. This created some fantastic patterns.
This week, the year one children have been enjoying learning practically about the difference between volume and capacity.
Barn Owls joined with Lydford Primary School to take part in two outward bound days on Dartmoor, and then here, on Bodmin Moor.
We travelled to Twelve Men's Moor, a lesser-known area of Bodmin Moor, and then, once hard hats were in place, traversed the tops of the tors. Pupils had to make decisions (under close and careful guidance) about how to stay safe and when to challenge themselves more. The weather became worse as the day went on, giving pupils a chance to try some of their survival skills learned on their previous adventure on Dartmoor. Year 6 had the chance to learn more details about our mid-May trip to France at a Teams assembly led by Mrs Underwood and Mme Jordan.
On a stunningly wet and rainy day, a very happy Sophie visited us to talk to us about water dos and don'ts. In a very enjoyable workshop, we recapped the Water Cycle, found out in more detail how water is cleaned, and learned excellent tips for saving water and looking after the water supply. We also learned about how conventional cotton production is excessively water-wasteful, and how companies like Shein are unsustainable in their clothing production.
Pupils should have returned home able to pass their tips on. Regarding wet-wipes, we learned that, even when labelled as such, they are NEVER 'flushable', and should be avoided as much as possible. (We did neglect to ask her what we could do to bring water bills down in the south-west.) Barn Owls played matches in PE last week, incorporating learned and practised skills of serving, striking and moving around the court to reach the ball. They have shown a good improvement in ability over the half-term, and the games were very enjoyable to watch.
It was great to welcome Mrs McKee back to Barn Owls class this week for a Solar Workshop. With the Year 6s having visited the Solar Farm at Roadford last year, and with our current Science and Geography learning about energy and sustainability, we could build on what we already knew with a workshop on solar-powered toys.
After recapping current knowledge about how electricity is generated from the sun, we tried out a range of toys and decorations in a useful gap in the inclement weather. Pupils then had the chance to design and build their own solar-powered toy using components supplied by Mrs McKee (more photos to follow upon completion). |
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