Children were able to showcase their knowledge and understanding of our current topics by sharing their fantastic final homework pieces with parents. It was wonderful to see parents exploring the homework and asking children questions about their work.
The Tawny Owls enjoyed Computing this afternoon where they were creating autumnal pictures using the app; PaintZ.
Year 3 children from Lydford and Bridestowe Primaries took part in a STEM Coding Workshop at Immersion Games in Okehampton. Using Lego robots, students worked in a group to complete different tasks exploring the uses of coding and programming in a fun and engaging environment. The children were a credit to the school and were proud of their achievements.
Along with children from 80 schools from across the world, the Tawny Owls and Snowy Owls took part in a live lesson about space. They virtually visited the NASA Space Centre and found out about Mission Lucy. Lucy is the first space mission launched to study the Trojan asteroids. We are excited to find out more about the discoveries it makes.
South West Water would have been interested to see the Science unfolding in Barn Owls this week, where we were separating mixtures back to their component substances, and trying to derive clean water.
After filtering, sieving and leaving mixtures to evaporate, the water may not have been ready to drink, but it was much cleaner than before. Our Year 6 group, along with those from Lydford, travelled to Okehampton to take part in the organised workshops there last Tuesday.
The skills learned and advice imparted covered areas such as recycling, electrical safety, safety at sea, hygiene, online safety, outdoor safety and resuscitation. |
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February 2025
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