During Science, the Snowy Owls investigated the parts of a flower. We learnt what the different parts are called and what they do. We then dissected a flower and identified the different parts.
On Monday, we had a visit from Amy and Glynn from the RNLI. The interactive assembly made it really clear how we can stay safe on the beach. We learnt where we should enter the water at the beach and what to do in an emergency. Always swim at a lifeguarded beach and if you get into trouble stay calm, float and wave with a closed hand.
In English, we learnt about the contracted forms of words. We worked in partners to cut up the words and add the apostrophe in the right place. For example, should not became shouldn’t.
As part of the follow up from our NSPCC assembly, the Snowy Owls explored who our safe adults are and that if we speak out and share our worries it can make us feel better.
The Wildlife Champions have been busy spreading their recycling message. We have been impressed with everyone's commitment to recycle and reduce the amount of plastic in our packed lunches. Watch this space for how the Wildlife Champions plan to help the environment in the future.
During our PSHE lesson, the Snowy Owls explored the concept of compromise. They worked together to decide how they would deal with a situation when they didn’t agree with another person. The children came up with some great solutions and strategies to deal with the situation. The children role played how this might look. We will be encouraging the children to use these strategies in real life situations.
The Snowy Owls have been exploring the work of William Morris. We learnt that during the industrial revolution lots of people moved to the cities to work but they missed nature. William Morris created wallpaper which celebrated wildlife, plants, flowers and leaves to remind people of the countryside. The Snowy Owls went on a nature walk and their artwork was inspired by what they collected.
During science, the children have conducted a scientific investigation and explored how variables can impact an experiment. The children are investigating the impact of sunlight on the growth of a plant and have changed the location of their seeds. They have kept all other variables the same to make the investigation fair. This week, the children analysed their seeds and saw that they hard started to grow. They found that the seeds that were in direct sunlight didn’t grow as well as they expected as the sun had dried up the water. The lack of light meant the seeds in the dark grew yellow and the seeds in the shade grew the most. The children were interested to see how their predictions differed from the results.
The Tawny Owls class are creating lost posters using a word processor. They are learning about what the different keys on the keyboard do and how to change font. Included in this topic is learning how to open and save documents. They are working incredibly well in partners and with great enthusiasm!
As part of Science, the Tawny Owls identified a variety of wild flowers. They went on a hunt in the school grounds and found so many different flowers - it was wonderful to see so many! The children then learnt about the importance of wild flowers in the environment.
Mrs Harris and Mrs Jordan have been teaching rounders skills this week in Barn Owls. The children have been learning about how to throw accurately underarm, and bowl. Children have been leading the warm ups which has been a lot of fun! Robert the Robot visited the children so that he could learn to make a sandwich. The Owlets had to give Robert clear instructions; First wash your hands. Next get two pieces of bread. Then put butter on the bread. The children worked together to make their own sandwiches giving each other clear instructions, then they ate their yummy sandwiches with Robert the Robot!
The Owlets class visited Springfields Residential Home, they shared books and talked with the residents. Thank you to Jack Southcott for supporting our visit.
As part of their Ancient Egyptian topic, the Tawny Owls decoded words written in hieroglyphics. They then wrote their names in the Egyptian writing.
The Tawny Owls saw evidence of the Giant coming to school from the story, Jim and the Beanstalk that they are studying in their English lessons. They were very excited that his footprint was found on our playing field with a note that read, 'Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum!' We wonder what other things may happen around school over the coming weeks!
Our PSHE topic this term in Tawny Owls is all about how to stay healthy. We started by discussing the importance of a healthy diet and eating lots of fruit and vegetables. The children then all contributed pictures to our rainbow collage which will remind us about eating a variety of colours.
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