The Snowy Owls have worked hard using pastels to create this wonderful display of Dragon eyes. This artwork links to the Dragon myths we are writing in English and our learning about Chinese history.
Well done to the Key Stage 1 runners who managed 2.5km at running club this week - a great effort by all.
As part of Children's Mental Health Week, we had a 'Well Being Wednesday'! The sessions focussed on how we can look after our mental health and well-being by taking time out to do something we enjoy!
Gold for BridestoweFinal team results from Friday's Cross Country have come through.
The Year 3/4 team took overall team Gold. The Year 3/4 boys team finished 4th. The Year 3/4 girls team took Gold. The 5/6 team finished overall 6th (of 13) The 5/6 boys team finished 9th The 5/6 girls team finished 4th. A fantastic result from everyone - well done. In maths, the Snowy Owls have been setting measuring challenges for one another. They had to use their measuring skills to measure as accurately as possible.
The children enjoyed this mornings settling-in task, which was to create a play-doh face to express how they were feeling. This is strongly linked to our PSHE topic where we have been looking at keeping ourselves healthy in both body and mind. We have been talking about how our bodies react when we feel different emotions and how we can overcome this.
Today in Owlets class we had a party to celebrate Chinese New year. We were so busy! In the morning we made paper chains to decorate our room ready for our party. In the afternoon we put on our item of red clothing for good luck, we used ribbons to dance to traditional Chinese music, we studied non-fiction books about Chinese New Year, we got to taste some delicious Chinese food, we took part in some yoga where we had to position ourselves like the animals from the Chinese New Year story and we finished by having a story about the Luna New Year. We had so much fun!
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