It was a fantastic afternoon at Simmons Park Cross Country with our friends from the Moorland Hub. A brilliant effort from all the children that represented us. We won both the year 3 and 4 and the 5 and 6 cups! Well done to all that took part and thank you to all the parents for your support!
The Snowy Owls enjoyed sharing their homework with their peers. They asked and answered questions confidently and were able to learn from one another.
It was lovely seeing the children playing and working together at lunch time, deciding on how they can keep warm on a windy day - great idea! Tuesday 10th October was World Mental Health Day. As a school we had an assembly from Ant and Dec discussing the importance of talking to others to help with mental health - 'Get Britain Talking'. We also marked the day by wearing something yellow #helloyellow.
For their English unit, Iggy Peck Architect the children in Tawny Owls have been researching famous London landmarks. They have used information sheets and Chromebooks in small groups to gather key information that they will then use to create their very own fact files next week.
As part of PSHE, the Snowy Owls explored the feelings thermometer. They discussed how it feels to be at each of the numbers and what they can do in each stage. The children discussed that if we find ourselves feeling a number 4 or 5 (flipping our lid) then we can try strategies such as reading a book, taking deep breaths, drawing a picture or asking for a hug. The children were very aware of their own and others' feelings.
Our friends from Open the Book told us a Christian story from the bible - the moral of the story was to be grateful for our family and friends. We were very proud of William who volunteered to take the role of Jesus in the story.
The Owlets are learning about where they live and their local areas. As part of this learning they went on a walk around Bridestowe to look at the village and the different places they could find. They compared how Bridestowe is a village and that Okehampton is a town. The Owlets enjoyed a morning in the Forest with Devon Wildlife trust learning about wildlife and in particular; Hedgehogs. The had to find different foods hedgehogs liked to eat and then made clay hedgehogs, using sticks they found for the spines.
Today Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children completed the postponed final race of the small schools cross country from last academic year. It was a huge success, with many children receiving medals (please see our Facebook page with results). The success didn't stop there, with the Year 3/4 and the Year 5/6 teams being crowned the overall winners. A fantastic achievement!
On Wednesday we celebrated Harvest with a whole school Harvest Festival. The children performed songs and explained the meaning of Harvest and why we celebrate Harvest each year. Thank you for all the kind and generous donations of food which will be shared across different charities.
The children looked closely at Roman statues and buildings. They used their knowledge of different pencil types to add detail and shading.
The Tawny Owls had their session with the Wildlife Trust today. They explored and classified different types of leaves and created beautiful crowns.
The Owlets have been discussing families as part of their PSHE. They made the people that are special to them out of pebbles and match sticks.
On Monday 25th September Bridestowe Sports Council organised a sports Mufti day to raise money for Kit for Africa. A total of £40.00 was raised and now old sports kits can be sent to schools in Africa. Thank you to everyone for supporting this worthwhile cause.
The Tawny Owls were challenged to construct interesting buildings today for the start of their English unit. They created new names for them by combining different sounds together. The pupils then learnt about pronouns and the importance of using capital letters when writing them.
During Science the pupils had to predict if certain objects were going to float or sink. We discussed the properties of the objects before we conducted the investigation. The children had some fantastic reasoning behind their thoughts, for example, George was unsure if the cotton wool would float or sink, ''because it will soak up the water and then become heavy so might sink.''
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