The year 2s have had a challenge this morning, subtracting a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number crossing the nearest 10. They have used their previous learning to help understand to partition the 1-digit number to get to the nearest 10 efficiently. Then they have to use their number bonds to 10 knowledge to get to the answer. Well done Tawny Owls!
In RE this term, the Tawny Owls have been looking at why Christmas is important to Christians. Alongside learning their nativity play, the children have written or sequenced the Christmas story. In the coming weeks, they will move on to looking at how Christians use this story to determine their actions over the festive period. It was fantastic to see the children taking great pride in their work during this activity. As you can see from the picture, children showed beautiful handwriting skills alongside, spelling, punctuation and grammar.
The year one pupils have been working incredibly hard over the past few weeks on their addition and subtraction unit in maths. They have been using manipulatives and images to help build upon their understanding. As you can see from the pictures below, they have also been working on improving their presentation. It is fantastic to see the great progression taking place! The Tawny Owls have been learning about polar regions, rainforests and deserts. They have looked at the similarities and differences between the food, shelter and animals in these areas. This week, the children independently wrote fact files about the knowledge they have learnt so far. Brilliant work Tawny Owls!
Barn Owls have been creating working electrical circuits in Science, learning about the essential components and using symbols to represent these.
Our work in Science will also be used in upcoming D&T work this half-term. We plan to finish our Science module by devising and making a game that uses electrical components. ,We sent four runners to take part in the area schools' cross country at Castle Drogo, which is always a very challenging race. Ellenor, Liam, Arthur and Charlie were not daunted by the event, and excelled in running a tough course.
They also took part in a range of athletic and multi-sports activities after they had run, organised by OCRA's coaches. Ellenor was awarded a bronze medal as she ran alone (but would have earned at least the bronze had she been part of a team). Liam (despite being unwell, it later transpired), Charlie and Arthur earned the bronze team medal, even with a reduced number of teammates, compared to other small schools. Congratulations to the strong team of runners, who represented Bridestowe superbly, and many thanks to Miss Spooncer for transporting, supporting and taking care of the athletes. Having tried out different angles for filming last week, Barn Owls used different types of shots to frame for different purposes. We look forward to watching and reviewing the films made this week.
This week in PE, we have been learning offensive strategies. Great work was seen across the class, and the use of attacking techniques culminated in some enthralling small-sided games.
Barn Owls employed their acting skills in charades, asking classmates to guess positive and negative actions that could be seen in friendships. We talked about what would make a healthy friendship. The children voted that being trustworthy was the most important quality in a friend.
On Friday morning, Barn Owls moved over to the back of the Chapel for the morning. Dressed in home clothes and lots of dots for Children in Need, they worked hard on fractions in Maths before returning to school for lunch.
We have learnt about BBC Children in Need this morning and the reason we are dressed in spots! There were good discussions about disadvantaged children and how the money raised for this charity help and support them and their families.
The Tawny Owls have been learning the basics of invasion games this term. Last half term they played tag rugby and now they have moved on to football. Today's session was all about how to control the ball without using their hands. After learning how to dribble the ball using light touches, they had a game of tag football. I was impressed with the progression made by all!
The Tawny Owls separated into year groups this afternoon and the year 1 pupils had a brilliant forest school session with Ranger Rob. They created these amazing, mini pixies and ate toasted marshmallows while listening to the rain come down around them!
Over the past week, the Year 2 pupils have been learning addition by making 10. It has been a challenge because there are many steps involved, to help solve the problem. First, they have to find the number bond to 10, then partition the number you are adding before finally adding the 10 and remaining part together. As you can see the children have been using the ten frame manipulatives to ensure they have concrete understanding before moving to images and the formal written methods. I am proud of their engagement, perseverance and learning.
Recycle Week is an annual event designed to celebrate and promote the benefits of recycling. It creates opportunities for us all to implement positive change that will help protect our planet. The whole school came together in their teams to create a Pudsey model using recycled materials. It was great to see children from all year groups supporting one another and working together towards a shared goal.
In Design Technology, the Snowy Owls created a range of different shaped frame structures using cocktail sticks and blue-tac. The children investigated shape and how to make a secure structure. They explored which shape gave the strongest structure and discovered the importance of a strong foundation to build on. The children had to review their structures and make changes as they went along.
The School Council visited Springfields residential home to play games with, and speak to, the residents. Community connection is key to our personal development journey for the children
Having learned about filming angles for different purposes, Barn Owls tried them out - first steps to onscreen stardom!
The children are learning digital photography. Today, they worked in pairs to take photographs of various people and objects. It was excellent to see the high level of engagement in their learning!
The Tawny Owls have started learning about human lifestyles. They learnt to name vital parts of the body and their function while positioning them on our model!
It was fantastic to see so many of you attend our homework share morning. The children were incredibly proud of their brilliant work!
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