Bridestowe Primary School all donned their most festive and wintery jumpers as part of Christmas Jumper Day!
The Tawny Owls have been completing tasks from a kindness advent calendar. Today, they created cards for the elderly in their local community. We hope that spreads some happiness!
Animals near extinction have been wandering through the Tawny Owls classroom and it has started an interesting topic for English. The pupils will be writing letters to the government about the importance of looking after our world.
Using manipulatives is a key way to learn various maths concepts. The year 2 have been using counters to help them understand crossing 10 when adding and subtracting.
![]() We have used Cuisenaire to represent our mixed number fractions. Each whole is split into equal parts, we form wholes and have fractions left over. Next, we will make the mixed fractions and convert to improper fractions where the top number (numerator) is greater than the bottom number (denominator). Barn Owls are really enjoying making and creating different playground items as part of their DT block within Forest School.
Barn Owls had the opportunity to sing carols and Christmas songs at Castle Drogo to members of the public, Drogo team, family and friends. We then enjoyed a tour of the Castle and learnt all about the family that used to live there and their love of jellies!
The Tawny Owls have been exploring colour during their Art lessons recently. The pupils used watercolour to create paintings of landscapes of hot countries. Their mixing, tinting and shading were fantastic.
During Wild Tribe (Forest School), the Snowy Owls explored Ernest Shackleton and his expeditions. They imagined what it would be like to be stranded on Elephant Island and and used their survival skills to get across the ocean and build shelters!
The Snowy Owls have been designing their own biscuit packaging - they have researched existing biscuit packets and used this to help them to make their own. They have created a name and logo for their biscuits and are looking forward to making the biscuits in the next couple of weeks.
This week we had a whole school assembly led by Rev. Brooks about advent. We explored things that we have to wait for and how we prepare for big events in our lives.
As part of our new unit of Maths: Fractions. We explored different practical resources, played fractions games and discussed in teams how to work out equivalent fractions. This has really helped to develop our mathematical understanding, extend our vocabulary as well as build on prior learning.
Due to the dangerous driving conditions Bridestowe Primary School only opened for children who could get to school safely. The children who attended school today completed maths activities set by their teachers, wrote acrostic poems, painted snowy pictures and had lots of fun in the snow! Can you spot the fantastic snow teachers they made? Which teachers are they? They had a fabulous time playing in the snow and showed incredible teamwork when creating a sofa for Ms Baker and Mrs Lammas to sit on!
In maths the Owlets are learning about the concepts 'whole' and 'parts'. As part of their learning they created fruit kebabs. The children had to identify the different parts that will make up their kebab and discussed how many parts they would need and what sort of parts they would choose. This also linked to their learning in PSHE where they are discussing healthy eating. Once they had made their kebabs they enjoyed tasting the different fruit and vegetables. It was lovely to see the Owlets trying many different fruits and vegetables.
In PSHE the Tawny Owls have been discussing who is special to them. This included lots of family, friends and of course pets!
Barn Owls created their own compasses this week in Science. They explored magnetising a needle in order for it to become a floating compass - in water! All children worked collaboratively and demonstrated excellent scientific investigative skills.
It was lovely to hear how motivating winning the reading raffle was for David this week. About 10 minutes after school on Friday, he was tucked up under a blanket reading one of the selected books.
At Bridestowe, we are committed to inspire children in becoming life long readers and being sent this picture made our day! The children of Bridestowe recognised the importance of Children in Need by dressing in spots and raising money for this worthwhile cause. Thank you to the School Council for organising this.
On Thursday 7th November, our Yr5/6 Cross Country Team participated in the OCRA Cross Country Event. They all ran superbly well, supported one another's efforts and represented the school amazingly.
This week, the children have visited the residents at Springfields Nursing Home. All thoroughly enjoyed sharing their work on the Benin Kingdom and reports on healthy lifestyles. Some even brought their reading book, and read a few pages to the residents with confidence. One resident even stopped Mrs Ambrose and told her how impressed she was with the pupils subject knowledge on important topics such as the slave trade.
Barn Owls are studying magnetism this term as part of their Science learning. This week they explored bar magnets, north and south poles and if magnets repel or attract each other or different items. Barn Owls then had to write up their scientific findings using key vocabulary.
This week in Maths, Barn Owls have continued to build on their mathematical understanding surrounding cubed and squared numbers. They explored making different cubed numbers through the use of multi-link cubes; they had to work in pairs and small groups to calculate the answers to Mrs Court's tricky number sentences and then explaining their reasoning. Excellent work Barn Owls!
What a wonderful day the Tawny Owls had at the Eden Project! The pupils behaved impeccably and many members of the public were stopping them as they explored the biomes, complimenting them on their manners and outstanding behaviour.
The pupils thoroughly enjoyed the Building in Brazil workshop and Emily, our guide was fantastic! She helped the children to clearly understand the climate and challenges that people have when building shelters and homes in Brazil. It was a great way to kick-off our Geography topic; Hot and Cold Countries. This week we welcomed Saturn the snail to the Tawny Owls classroom. One of our DMAT schools were wanting to rehome some Giant African Snails and after discussing a class pet with the children we thought it would be a great idea!
The year 2 pupils have been researching information about them and writing their own Giant African Snail guides. These are going to be laminated and kept with Saturn for you to read if he ever comes to visit you during the school holidays. When he arrived, the children thought about what to name him. All their ideas were written on pieces of paper and then one was randomly selected. We all love the name and we look forward to keeping you up-to-date with how he is getting on. The Tawny Owls would like to thank, Mr Brentnall and Miss Barrington for their generous donation of the tank and bedding and to FOBS for contributing to the heat pad and other ongoing costs such as feed. We hope Saturn will be very happy in his new home. |
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