The end to another school year, and what an end to a year!
Despite the unprecedented times and the enforced school closure FoBS have still been working hard to make sure we have funds to support the children and school when we return next year. Although we haven’t been able to enjoy our usual summer events some great things have been happening over lockdown: Bingo via Facebook raising £100 and ‘Chop the Mop’ head shave raising £160. With these and the events that happened before March you have helped us raise over £2,000 – a fantastic achievement – thank you! A lot of this will go straight to much needed work in the environmental area to ensure a fantastic outdoor learning space for when the children return. Hopefully you have all heard about The GREAT Bridestowe Community Cookbook, please get your recipe in by the 17th July (email [email protected]) so that we can create a fantastic Lockdown Cookbook and raise some money for when the children return in September. Best of luck to Mr Parsley on his new adventures and of course to our Year 6s as they move on to college! And welcome to Mr Huxtable! We would like to say a massive thank you to all the families, staff and members of the community who continue to support our fundraising efforts and wish everyone a happy and healthy summer break – stay safe. You can donate to FoBS at any time via
FoBs BLOGHere you will find details about our planned events, successes and of course the great things that our funds raised go to!
October 2024
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