Phonics Teaching
At Bridestowe Primary, we aim for all of our children to leave our school as highly skilled readers. We do this by providing them with high-quality systematic phonics, taught daily, access to a range of high-quality texts in our classrooms and library and sending books home which match to their phonic knowledge.
Read Write Inc is a comprehensive program designed to develop children’s phonic knowledge, reading and writing skills holistically. The children are assessed half-termly and streamed successfully according to their phonics knowledge. We will be running 5 groups after half term, ranging from teaching initial sounds, learning to blend words, and reading with fluency and expression.
The ethos of the program centres on the five P’s – Purpose, Participation, Praise, Partners and Pace. The Reading Teachers work hard to ensure this is at the heart of learning and children know what to expect from each session because of this.
As a result of the successful implementation of the program, our children will be able to:
- Participate actively in an engaging phonics session, where they are applying their sound knowledge into spelling and reading instantly.
- Read with increased ease, fluency and enjoyment to a range of audiences – peers, teachers and parents.
- Successfully use a range of strategies to write with independence.
- See themselves as fantastic readers and writers who can access the whole curriculum with confidence.
It is vital that children learn to say the sounds correctly. This video shows all the correct pronunciations.
Fred talk helps children to hear each sound in a word. Once children understand that words can be broken down into sounds and when they learn a small group of sounds, children can start blending the sounds together to make and read a word. You can play many Fred Games throughout the day to help your child - click the button for an example.
Fred talk helps children to hear each sound in a word. Once children understand that words can be broken down into sounds and when they learn a small group of sounds, children can start blending the sounds together to make and read a word. You can play many Fred Games throughout the day to help your child - click the button for an example.
Please click on the button below to watch video guidance on how to use the QR code links in the Virtual Classroom
Please click on the button below to watch video guidance on how to use the QR code links in the Virtual Classroom
Here are some parent information booklets to provide you with more information about how your child will learn to read. Below you will also find a letter formation chart with the rhymes that we use to help children learn how to form their letters correctly.