We had our first Open the Book assembly of the year. They told us the story of Zacchaeus the tax collector. The story shows how people can change for the better, especially if someone shows you kindness.
It has been great to see all the children playing games and completing puzzles together. The older children have supported the younger children to learn rules of new games.
Snowy Owls learnt about the Lunar New Year which took place on Wednesday 29th January. They learnt about how the animals were given a name in the zodiac, how people celebrate the Lunar New Year and took part in a dance.
In the Owlets we are learning to subitise 'We don't count, we subitise the amount.' This allows the children to recognise the composition of number. '3 and 2 makes 5 altogether.' '3 is a part, 2 is a part and 5 is the whole.'
The Owlets have been at the Superhero Academy where they have practised their gross motor skills to learn super skills and made their own superhero masks and capes. They also discussed the real life super heroes that are in our own communities. They had fun dressing up and using role play to create real life scenarios.
The pupils in the Tawny Owls class worked in groups to create space stories, composing music to relate to the different elements.
This week, the Tawny Owls worked in groups exploring how to construct a fire. They then made explorer badges and cooked toffee apples.
The year 1 pupils have been learning about the composition of numbers between 10 and 20. They are beginning to understand tens and ones and this has been helped by the use of games and manipulatives.
Last week in PE, the Tawny Owls began their dance session by watching a firework display and discussed the movements they made. They then listened to the music, 'Music for the Royal Fireworks' by Handel and spoke about the dynamics.
The class then experimented with movement using dance scarfs and streamers before putting together a sequence to the music. Barn Owls really enjoyed moving and grooving like particles within a solid, liquid or gas. They presented these to the class and explained why they were moving in this particular way.
Barn Owls have become employees at NACA/NASA; they have enjoyed learning all about the space and aeronautical organisation that they are now a part of through the inference of top secret files.
The Tawny Owls are studying the topic, Explorers and Adventurers through Forest School this half term. They had a fantastic session with Mrs Roberts, learning about Ernest Shackleton. They heard how the crew of the ship Endurance hit an iceberg whilst on an Antarctic expedition. The crew (the pupils) got stranded on Elephant Island (the environmental area) and had to build shelters and make fires to stay safe. They worked brilliantly in teams and had fun learning key facts too.
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February 2025
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